Lock mechanism

What is lock mechanism

Lock mechanism can be simply called second level authentication. The logic behind this relies on special, session based mechanisms which allow storing use roles in session and invalidate the session data after given amount of time. More about session mechanisms here.

How does it work

The lock mechanism is flexible and adjustable for all modules, either the existing or new ones. Entries about locked resources are stored in the database via the LockedResource entity. Each such entry consist of type (for example a single file/folder or entity), the target identifier (module or any special string by which it can be identified what kind of data is being locked), and naturally a record identifier which in case of Entity is an id, and in case of file it's a path.

How to unlock/show records

If records are locked then initially upon logging into the system, this will be hidden from the view. It's possible to show the hidden entries by clicking the locked/unlocked button in the user menu - this will trigger validation which requires second password (lockPassword).

Upon unlocking the whole system the locked resources will be shown and can be removed from the lock table to be visible after passing the login form without the need to login with second security layer.

How to add lock for module

First of all special action must be added in the template, either using actions component, or custom code like this:

<span class="fas fa-lock {{ getClassForLockedResource(lock_record, lock_type, lock_target) }} align-self-center action-lock-record"
data-lock-resource-record ="{{ lock_record }}"
data-lock-resource-type ="{{ lock_type }}"
data-lock-resource-target ="{{ lock_target }}"

In this case all the data attributes must be provided alongside with the class action-lock-record.


Upon extending the logic to other types it's required to provide the handling in LockedResourceController::isResourceLocked.

The last thing that remains is adding check in the template:

{% if isAllowedToSeeResource(lock_record, lock_type, lock_target) %}
{% endif %}