Personal management system IO

This project is used as proxy for receiving and displaying the data transferred from Personal Management System. This tool is Input and Output only - it does not and never will have any type of interface for that.


The bridge project is already included in the composer.json and composer.lock.

Usages in the Personal Management System

Cron command: src/Crons/CronTransferDataToPmsIoCommand


This cron can be used to transfer all the supported data to the PMS-IO.


The configuration for connecting to the project (for calling API) can be found in config/services.yaml.

public: true
$logFilePath: '%kernel.logs_dir%/pms-io-bridge.log'
$loggerName: 'PmsIoLogger'
$baseUrl: ''
$login: 'login' # login for IO API access
$password: 'password' # password for IO API access
$secret: 'Jwt-secret' # jwt secret used to generate the token

PMS-IO has a command to generate API access