JS actions handling


Update is handled via DataProcessor definition of makeUpdateData.


makeUpdateData: function ($baseElement) {
let name = $($baseElement).find('.name').html();
let symbol = $($baseElement).find('.symbol').html();
let multiplier = $($baseElement).find('.multiplier').val();
let isDefaultInput = $($baseElement).find('.is-default').find('input');
let isDefault = DomAttributes.isChecked(isDefaultInput);
let beforeUpdateState = $($baseElement).find('.before-update-state').val();
let successMessage = AbstractDataProcessor.messages.entityUpdateSuccess(SpecialAction.settingsFinancesCurrencyTable.processorName);
let failMessage = AbstractDataProcessor.messages.entityUpdateFail(SpecialAction.settingsFinancesCurrencyTable.processorName);
let url = '/api/settings-finances/update-currencies';
let ajaxData = {
'name' : name,
'symbol' : symbol,
'multiplier' : multiplier,
'is_default' : isDefault,
'before_update_state' : beforeUpdateState,
'group' : {
"type" : "entity",
'namespace' : EntityStructure.MyPasswordsGroups.getNamespace(),
'id' : trimmedGroupId,
let dataProcessorsDto = new DataProcessorDto();
dataProcessorsDto.successMessage = successMessage;
dataProcessorsDto.failMessage = failMessage;
dataProcessorsDto.url = url;
dataProcessorsDto.ajaxData = ajaxData;
return dataProcessorsDto;
  • $baseElement - is the element having given classes editable-parent save-parent and is also a parent element of edit and save action,
  • url - that's the backend action called to perform the update logic,
  • ajaxData - is the standard ajax data object containing values of fields that are to be updated (or eventually can transfer some additional data as well)
    • grup is a special type of data sent to backend, contains information about the entity so with this it's also possible to update the relational field via ajaxCall
  • success/fail message - are the messages that are going to be shown by default if no message is going to be returned to the backend,


Create is handled via DataProcessor definition of makeCreateData.

makeCreateData($baseElement?: JQuery<HTMLElement>): DataProcessorDto | null {
let url = '/my-schedules-settings';
let successMessage = AbstractDataProcessor.messages.entityCreatedRecordSuccess(Entity.MySchedulesTypes.processorName);
let failMessage = AbstractDataProcessor.messages.entityCreatedRecordFail(Entity.MySchedulesTypes.processorName);
let callbackAfter = () => {
let dataProcessorsDto = new DataProcessorDto();
dataProcessorsDto.successMessage = successMessage;
dataProcessorsDto.failMessage = failMessage;
dataProcessorsDto.callback = callback;
dataProcessorsDto.url = url;
dataProcessorsDto.processorName = this.processorName;
return dataProcessorsDto;

The structure is the same as in the makeUpdateData, however additional thing actually in this method is a callback (available remove/update as well)

  • callback allows adding additional logic which should be called after the response from the backend is initially processed(which is after the template is being reloaded/rebuilt)


Create is handled via DataProcessor definition of makeRemoveData.

This action structure is the same as both one above - nothing new to describe here additionally

makeRemoveData($baseElement?: JQuery<HTMLElement>): DataProcessorDto | null {
let id = $($baseElement).find('.id').html();
let url = '/my-passwords/remove/';
let successMessage = AbstractDataProcessor.messages.entityRemoveSuccess(Entity.MyPasswords.processorName);
let failMessage = AbstractDataProcessor.messages.entityRemoveFail(Entity.MyPasswords.processorName);
let ajaxData = {
id: id
let dataProcessorsDto = new DataProcessorDto();
dataProcessorsDto.url = url;
dataProcessorsDto.successMessage = successMessage;
dataProcessorsDto.failMessage = failMessage;
dataProcessorsDto.ajaxData = ajaxData;
dataProcessorsDto.isDataTable = false;
dataProcessorsDto.processorName = this.processorName;
return dataProcessorsDto;

This 3 methods (makeRemoveData, makeCreateData, makeUpdateData) are required for actions called by using the logic present in: templates/modules/common/components/actions.twig


Copy is a special action that was prepared explicitly for passwords module, is handled via DataProcessor definition of makeCopyData.

This action structure is the same as both one above - nothing new to describe here additionally

makeCopyData($baseElement): DataProcessorDto | null {
let url = '/my-passwords/get-password/';
let id = $($baseElement).find('.id').html();
let ajaxUrl = url + id;
let dataProcessorsDto = new DataProcessorDto();
dataProcessorsDto.url = ajaxUrl;
dataProcessorsDto.successMessage = AbstractDataProcessor.messages.password_copy_confirmation_message;
dataProcessorsDto.failMessage = AbstractDataProcessor.messages.default_copy_data_fail_message;
dataProcessorsDto.processorName = this.processorName;
return dataProcessorsDto;

Like mentioned, the copy logic was explicitly created for passwords module, like always the best intent was to create a flexible logic reusable in other cases, however since this had only one particular usage and might've never been used afterwards means that it might require additional adaptation.

Edit with prefilled modal

This action can be used to edit the entity via dialog/modal. Each of the called repositories names need to be defined in: src/assets/scripts/core/ui/Actions/EditViaModalPrefilledWithEntityDataAction.ts

Like for example:

protected apiMethods = {
buildEditEntityModalByRepositoryName: {
MyContactRepository: {
url : "/dialog/body/edit-contact-card",
method : "POST",
callback: () => {
* Each dialog method should have target repository
* @param entityId
callModal: function(entityId){}

Calling dialog

With this action it's possible to call dialog with rendered template. Definition of dialog logic must be added to: src/assets/scripts/core/ui/Dialogs/LogicLoader/DialogLogic.ts.

* @description contains definition of logic for add/modify todo
public static addOrModifyTodo()
let callback = (dialogWrapper?: JQuery<HTMLElement>) => {
let todoChecklist = new TodoChecklist();
let createAction = new CreateAction();
let removeAction = new RemoveAction();
let updateAction = new UpdateAction();
let dialogDataDto = new DialogDataDto();
dialogDataDto.callback = callback;
return dialogDataDto;
  1. This logic MUST be defined and should contain the js initializers. This is required due to the fact that backend returns only a template and thus no logic is bound to its element. The callback is called directly after the dialog is filled with template.
  2. The name of the method must be equal to the method name provided in the template via data-dialog-name="myIssueCardAddRecords"